

Topography of Paint Landscapes

I get many comments about whether my abstractions are topographical maps of certain locations.  Locations that the viewer may have a connection to or not.  Maybe I chose to create a location using bright colors; which is an idea for future pieces as impressionistic art.  A chance for someone to enter the world of POWPAPER with points of reference so that the travelers have a real world map.  Possibly, but my abstractions come from another place and create a different world. 

Walking through artist studios I stumbled across the used wooden and disposable paper palettes of painters.  These remnants of ideas and experiments in color, theories from the minds of creators of worlds. The foundations for masterpieces and amateur art are built on paint palettes before the main structure is built on canvas.  Colors line up and begin to dance and mingle as the mind of the painter begins to work and solve dilemmas. These foundations became the basis of my abstractions in paper form.  The swirl and mixing of paint to transform into new colors, the abandoned trials, and the abstract computations.

This series is available on the Shop Page.